58mm receipt template
58mm receipt template

You can also send images from any of your apps to the Express Thermal Print app. Get the App! Download From the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store Once installed, this app gives you the option to print to either a 58mm or 80mm receipt printer. The Express Thermal Print app is FREE and available for both iOS and Android devices on their respective app stores. This app allows you to take any image or picture from your device and print it to your Bluetooth thermal printer with ease. To print to a Bluetooth Thermal Printer, you need to download the Express Thermal Print app. They are perfect for printing receipts at home because they easily connect to your mobile device (iPhone or Android) or your computer. These Bluetooth models are often portable to allow for easy usage in the field. Some thermal printers are USB or wireless (wifi) while others are Bluetooth enabled.

58mm receipt template

Thermal receipt printers come in a variety of models. Thermal printers utilize rolls of thermal paper and have a sharp serrated edge to cut the receipt from the roll.

58mm receipt template

These printers use heat to change the paper color from white to black.

58mm receipt template

Thermal printers are used to print nearly all receipts you receive from shops, restaurants and service companies. Do you want to print a receipt on real receipt paper? Do you need your receipt to look as realistic as possible? If you have a receipt image that you have created using ExpenseFAST receipt maker, you can print your receipt to real receipt paper using a thermal printer.

58mm receipt template